REVIEW: Not Sorry "Our Choices" EP

So as some of you might have known, I have relocated myself and my operations (Glory Kid Ltd, Burn Your Life Down) up to Seattle from Socali. So I figured I'd start off my reviews for this blog with something local. Adjusting to the different landscape and culture up here can be a process indeed. Musically Seattle is rich in pretty much every genre known to human kind, and hardcore is not an exception. But there seems to be an insurgence of late 80's revival up here in the past year or two. Not Sorry is definitely a front runner in this game. Out of the gates in 2009 with their debut EP entitled,"Moving On", they have made waves. Our Choices is their sophomore EP and they have most certainly gained momentum from the last installment. Off the bat, the recording quality has progressed. The sound is perfectly even and panned out. The record unfolds with an intro that has plenty of build up's and parts for kids to pick up change to, you know, in case it fell out. Immediately after, it rips right into "On Our Way". One thing you have to keep in mind with this record, especially if you are an individual like myself that does not venture into this style of core often. They are not attempting to reinvent the wheel, but they are perfecting their own perspective on it. A formula is definitely present, but there lies a difference. Countless groups of this caliber have tried and trued nothing more than mediocrity. Not Sorry displays five tracks in which you can hear enthusiasm and conviction. Lyrically matched, they hit certain topics that are refreshing. Besides the usual "backstabbing" and "broship" you read along with these titles, they touch on more social-political and environmental subjects. One of the major points that caught my attention about this record is the cover art. Crossed between contemporary woodcut and tattoo flash design, the artwork is an area of this record where it does not fall short. All together this is a great and well-rounded record, a promising follow up from their debut. I am really curious to see what they serve up next, an LP? We'll just have to wait and see. This EP was released on Aram's(Champion, Betrayed) record label, React! Records. Which showcases some of the better groups delivering this particular brand of core. Glad to see he is running a label again. I can recall some records in my collection from his first attempt(Anchor Records) which are still gems. Sidenote: If you are going to be attending this year's Rainfest located in the Seattle area, Not Sorry will be playing. Check them out, pick up their loot.

Not Sorry's Official Site
Not Sorry's Webstore
React! Records

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