Sarah Palin Wants Christine O'Donnell on Next 'Dancing With the Stars'

Sarah Palin was not only playing the role of proud mama grizzly last night when she sat in the front row cheering on daughter Bristol Palin in the finale of 'Dancing With The Stars' -- she was also playing casting director, lobbying the show's producers to consider signing up her Tea Party pal Christine O'Donnell for next season.

"Sarah is a genius at marketing herself and her message," an insider tells me. "She doesn't care about all the old rules about how political people are meant to behave and act. Sarah believes the best way is to go directly to the people -- use Twitter, Facebook, 'Dancing With the Stars' and 'Entertainment Tonight' to get potential voters excited and leave 'Meet The Press' and those boring Sunday morning shows to the old-school politicians."

And with the huge success of her own reality show, 'Sarah Palin's Alaska,' and Bristol stunning everyone with the fact that she is still in the 'Dancing' competition, Sarah might be onto something. Plus, who else are the 'Dancing' producers going to get after Bristol?

"Christine is not a bad idea at all," one ABC executive tells me. "After Kate Gosselin and Cloris Leachman, O'Donnell would fit right in. She certainly would be so controversial that the amount of press attention and buzz the show would get would be huge. Plus, you know they would make her dance in a witch's hat with a broomstick."
Source: PopEater

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