That glitters

That often rubbed people.Here is the complete catalog of scuffs on the Revolution Square metro station. That's even touching .

Usual absolute leader rubbing - the dog's nose border guard. Since it began, and idolatry in the Square of the Revolution:

And now the priest's dog:
Eternal competitor for the right to be "the most rubs - revolver. And 20 and 30, and 45 years ago (and counting can not remember) his passing, stroked. Oh, and break off sometimes, of course. Now lacks one of the four revolvers - as you recall, at the station for four identical Manizerovskih figures. Instead, he rolled in a tube inserted into a newspaper. The remaining three - all different)
But the weapon probably has no sense of the sacred, but the cock ... This is clearly on fertility. Previously, only stroked the crest, but perhaps the magic of it was over)) And now, the subway is just rub the cock, which he became a golden cockerel:
Generally, in these absurd actions of the passengers have some pre-programmed, literally - earnest. These strokes for them to mean something! But that can mean boxes?
That could mean these shoes, heels, boots?

Yes, and pomegranate, to be honest, I do not understand. In general, it is the cult of the mysterious and secret ... Want to ask "why?" with countless members of the sect, but they ran past, doing their job - and quite disposed to communicate.But the biggest mystery of the Revolution Square station - it's finger a peasant with a rifle.
Breast-athletes diskobolki

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