Who Do Rockstar Bloggers Host With?

 You've got grand plans for your blog. Naturally, it's going to be big - really big. But before you hit your rhythm with insightful, savvy posts, there are practical considerations - like where to host it.

With so many web hosts to choose from, that's no easy decision. That's why we compiled this handy guide to where the web's top 100 blogs (by Technorati ranking on August 8 2008) are hosted.

If they're good enough for these guys, right...?

Top Blogger's Favourite Web Hosts

This graph shows every web hosting company appearing more than once in the top 100. It excludes sites hosted in-house and Akamai's caching service.

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And the Winner Is...

Media Temple and Datagram are twice as popular as any other host on the list, ignoring free blog hosting (eg, BlogSpot) and in-house hosting (eg, AOL's blogs). These two web hosting companies account for 19 of the top 100 blogs between them.

However, six of the Datagram blogs are published by one company (Gawker Media). Ignoring Gawker's multiple votes, one host is clearly far more popular than the rest.

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