Trusted PTC SItes

no. of ads per day: 6- 8
Standard click: 0.008$-0.01$
Standard referral click: 0.005$-0.01$
Minimum Payout: 2$
Rent/Buy Referrals : Yes(Rent)
Pays Via : Paypal/Alertpay(Pays instantly)

no. of ads per day: 60- 80
Standard click: 0.001$-0.02$
Standard referral click: 0.005$-0.01$
Minimum Payout: 1$
Rent/Buy Referrals : No(Rent)
Pays Via : Paypal/Alertpay(Pays instantly) No Minimum Payout

no. of ads per day: 6- 8
Standard click: 0.008$-0.01$
Standard referral click: 0.005$-0.01$
Minimum Payout: 2$
Rent/Buy Referrals : Yes(Rent)
Pays Via : Paypal/Alertpay(Pays instantly)

no. of ads per day: 10-12 (5+ offer per day)
Standard click:$0.001-0.005 ($0.10 per offer)
Standard referral click: $0.0025
Minimum Payout: $ 1
Rent/Buy Referrals :Yes (Buy)
Pays Via : PayPal, AlertPay

no. of ads per day: 5 - 6
Standard click: 0.01$-0.015$
Standard referral click: 0.005$-0.01$
Minimum Payout: 5$
Rent/Buy Referrals : Yes(Rent)
Pays Via : Paypal/Alertpay(Pays within a day)

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