Tattoos Gallery

tattoos gallery to the back with a thin line and thick line arm

Latest Gallery Tattoos

Latest gallery floral tattoos <suitable for women

Temporary Tattoos on fingers

Temporary Tattoos on the stack ring finger motif black

Caring For Your Tattoos

Leave bandage on for at least four hours, overnight if you received the tattoo late before your sleeptime. Make sure you can wash your tattoo when you remove the bandage. Handwash it, no cloths or sponges, using warm water & soap. Use water to soak off any of the bandage that sticks. Do not Rebandage. Wash tattoo at least twice a day while it is healing. Let tattoo dry out for one day, you may wash it to keep it clean during this time, After, start applying skin/hand conditioning lotion or lightly massage A&D ointment into tattoo.

Some people have been known to develop an allergy to Bacitracin, Triple antibiotic and other ointments may contain it. We do not recommend it. Nor do we recommend plain Vaseline. Lotions are safest in warm weather. Keeping it moist will speed the healing process, but your tattoo needs to breathe. Heavy application of petroleum based ointments can suffocate the tattoo and cause a rash. You can wet your tattoo, but don’t soak in the tub or shower for a long time while it is healing.

If you work under very dirty conditions or have to wear tight clothes, you can tape dry papertowel over your tattoo. Try to wear loose clothing around your tattoo. It is normal for your tattoo to flake off tiny pieces of colored skin while it is healing, but you don’t want to force it. So…Do not ever rub or scratch or pick your tattoo! you can smack it if it itches too much.

Wash your tattoo more often if you work near grease, chemicals, dirt, or if you got your tattoo in or near a high-bacteria area such as the armpit, buttocks, or genitals. Do not expose tattoo to chlorine, salt,alcohol or sun for 10 days. Careful with lotions containing excessive alcohol.

Only expose tattoo to long periods of sun after it is fully healed and then with a strong sunscreen applied, so as to protect it from the fading effects of radiation. Tattoos normally take 7-10 days to heal.

Dragonfly Tattoos And Women

In the early days, the Romans and Greeks employed body marks such as tattoos on gladiators, slaves and prisoners as a means to identify them from the rest of the villagers. Even in recent years, tattooing was generally common among males. The more tattoos on the body, the tougher the image. 

But that has changed as soon as awareness and freedom of expression took on a new level. Women now have their say on just about anything and everything. They now have control. And if they want to say something, they can do so in any way they think appropriate. And more and more women find tattooing a cool way of showing the world their feelings and interests, even their sensuality. 

Women and tattoos 
We see a lot of women sporting dainty fairy or flower tattoos and butterfly or dragonfly tattoos done in various designs. Some sport tougher-looking tattoos for more impact. They are practically everywhere especially on beaches where women show a lot of skin, baring those sexy tattoos that speaks volumes about the wearer. 

One of the most common tattoo designs that women go for, as mentioned above, are dragonfly tattoos. At the risk of stating the obvious, dragonfly tattoos are quite cute and sexy and feminine. They are usually done in colorful, delicate designs making it a lot more appealing for most women. 

Why dragonflies? 
Dragonflies are not that popular in the early western culture. They associated these insects with the devil and in such practices as black magic. But in eastern culture, dragonflies are regarded positively. They represent happiness, peace, and harmony. For the Native Americans, they represent energy, activity and success. 

However, in our generation, we do not always look at the traditional significance of things but by how we personally perceive things. Ask any woman today what comes to her mind when talking of dragonflies. Most of them would have an image of green fields or a garden of flowers, or of happy thoughts. For some, the wings of the dragonfly means ability to fulfill her dreams or to go to places she dreams of going to. It also conjures up images of passion, lightheartedness and being carefree. And dragonfly tattoos can do that and more. 

If you really get down to it, it isn’t a wonder why dragonfly tattoos are a sell-out for women. The reasons I have mentioned are just the reasons that I know of. Every person has their own opinion of things. Every woman who gets herself inked has her own reason why she did so and why chose such a design. Maybe her reason is quite different from mine. 

Maybe the next time you see women sporting dragonfly tattoos, you can ask them why she chose them. Sometimes, the reason for having such tattoos is to make good conversation pieces out of them.

Dead guy wakes up in morgue

His family presumed he was dead when they could not wake him on Saturday night and contacted a private morgue in a rural village in the Eastern Cape.

He spent almost 24 hours inside the morgue, the region's health department spokesman told the Sapa news agency.

The two attendants later returned and called for an ambulance.

The man - whose identity has been withheld - was treated in hospital for dehydration.

Don't you ever worry that while you're asleep someone mistakes you a corpse? My view is that snoring goes a long way to reassuring your loved ones that you are still among the living. Or a worse scenario to waking up in a morgue is someone trying to use a defibrillator on you. Ouch!


Who needs gun control?

An Indiana man has been charged with three counts of felony criminal recklessness for allegedly firing a gun over the head of his girlfriend after she declined his marriage proposal. Police responded to a call of shots fired at the home of Robert Kleman last Sunday where he claimed the gun was accidentally discharged by his friend “Eric the Invader” after it was dropped on the floor. Kleman, 29 subsequently blamed two other individuals, one named “Chris” and the other named “Cricket” with firing the errant shot. source

Deputies arrested a 40-year-old man Thursday evening after a brief standoff at his Apache Street home. Lon Allen Groves has been charged with aggravated assault with a deadly weapon, battery, kidnap and firing weapon while under the influence. According to an Okaloosa County Sheriff's press release, Groves and his wife were arguing over which granddaughter was her favorite when the intoxicated man pushed her to the ground and put a gun to her head. The woman's son, according to Groves arrest report, walked in and saw Groves holding a 9 mm pistol to his mother's head. He grabbed his younger sibling, and called 911 once they were safely outside of the home. The woman said Groves held her against her will for a short period of time. source

Stoned thief steals ambulance, tears up neighborhood in joyride

A stoned thief in Arizona carjacked an ambulance parked outside a house fire and staged a pre-dawn demolition derby, crashing into cars, signs, fences - and at least one home.

Police said Travis Ward, 28, boosted the empty emergency vehicle around 4 a.m. Sunday while nearly a dozen cops and firefighters battled to save lives from a raging blaze at a home in west Phoenix.

Rescue crews had left the engine running in order to keep the vehicle cool for any burn victims they managed to pull from the blaze, Phoenix police spokesman Sgt. Tommy Thompson told the Arizona Republic.

Ward drove for several blocks, tearing up people's lawns and smashing into a stop sign, a brick wall and several parked cars, cops said.

The terrifying joyride came to an end after Ward plowed into a house a few blocks from the fire, officials said.

No one was hurt in early morning mayhem, cops said.

The property damage is estimated at more that $75,000, and the ambulance is worth nearly $250,000. Phoenix Fire Department officials said Sunday the ambulance was "wrecked." It was unclear if it was damaged beyond repair.

Ward was arrested and charged with theft and criminal damage. Cops said he admitted to smoking marijuana before the crash-course caper.

I can't believe that anyone can get this crazy smoking weed. My experience is that I end up eating 6 pounds of Poppycock or listening to Ramble On by Led Zeppelin over and over again for 3 hours. This guy was either on meth or smoking some shit he got from the Navajo or Hopi Indians in Arizona.


Funny faces

Funny  faces
 Many people in this collection specifically grimace, while others, such a person from birth.