Some thoughts on the death of Bin Laden

  • Bin Laden was virulent anti-Semite who advocated for the destruction of Israel and World Jewry. So I find it ironic that he died on the eve of Holocaust Remembrance Day.
  • All these years people in the West believed Bin Laden was holed up in a cave along the Afghan-Pakistani border. Meanwhile he's living in a mansion in a city outside the Pakistani capital far from Waziristan.
  • Obviously security and government officials in Pakistan had to know where their most famous house guest has been hanging out. No wonder why the Americans did not inform the Pakistanis about the attack until it was underway. What are the chances they would have found Bin Laden has the Pakistanis known about the attack. Who needs friends like this?
  • This brings some closure to the attacks on September 11 but the War on Terrorism is far from over. Bin Laden has spent over 20 years training and indoctrinating radical Islamists who will carry on the fight.
  • For leftist who sympathize with Hamas and can never pass on an opportunity to knock Israel I would love for an explanation on the Hamas response to Bin Laden's death. Ismail Haniyeh - head of Hamas in the Gaza Strip is quoted: We condemn the assassination and the killing of an Arab holy warrior. We ask God to offer him mercy with the true believers and the martyrs.
  • This will give Barack Obama a boost at least short tem. Whether he can gain some political capital over the longer term is hard to say. The first George Bush was unable to take advantage of the first Gulf War domestically.

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